This Plan Is Helping Thousands

To End Their Worry and Provide Food, Shelter and Clothing


If you’re on this page, reading this now, you’re probably similar to others and your wondering about things like the rest of us here.  Because everyone knows… Human beings do not come like buttons from a mold, but in individual packages. There is a prize in every package — but many people never seem able to find theirs.

This civilization of ours is based on giving every person a chance to find the prize in their packet of life.  It is based on the strong helping the weak, on the fortunate sharing some of their gifts with those unable to fend for themselves.

Give them a chance to feel the feelings  of being self-reliant, proud of her independence and individualism.

That is why we are taking the liberty of asking you to help if you can do it. You are clearly one of the fortunate ones.

You are strong. You are able. You have found the prize in your package. Will you share a little of it with those less fortunate?

The money you donate for the spiritual benefits you receive, going to Charity and Social Outreach Programs should make you stand up and see yourself, good looking — And feel really good mentally, emotionally and spiritually, because You were design and made to feel good helping others. And that’s exactly why more people give here, as your donations will be used accordingly, outside of overhead and

the like. More than 90+% goes directly to the needy.  It enables us to continually provide necessities for families like the Hartford Family. To feed the homeless like Charles. To give emergency relief in newly discovered need for gasoline. To prevent other members of Ms. Lydia’s family from having the ceiling cave in on them. To put more toilets in, so people can simply have a safe functioning home for their family.

Could You help too?  Will you share a little of the good things you have won from life with these poor souls who are unable to help themselves?  Will you act now the part of the Good Samaritan, by helping to bind up their hurts, but making it possible for the hurting to begin being healed?

This link, Click Here To Donate Now, is for your convenience. Will you select or enter your remittance, monthly if you can do it too, and click to send it now? On the part of all those you are helping, we say sincerely — “Thank You!”

Truly and Gratefully,

One of the 1st Laws given in the Bible is that everything increases after its Kind

Everything increases after it’s kind. So important it is repeated more than over six times in the 1st Chapter of Genesis!

* And Referred to – All throughout Scripture.

See how the old conventional healthcare models, which have relied on surgery and prescription drugs, are being challenged by a wave of dramatic, non-invasive mind-body and energy-based healing techniques. Watch or Preview Here

Don’t know I believe it Now… This is actually really real here?

Again absolutely Yes, and the it’s called The Biology of Belief.

Now join host Lisa Garr for fascinating interviews featuring leading-edge visionaries, spiritual teachers and inspiring innovators in personal development and mind-body wellness.

Dr. Lipton is an internationally recognized leader on the connection between science and spirit. His ground-breaking discoveries in the field of new biology and epigenetics are the foundation for understanding human evolution.

The information in this conversation could radically change the way you live your life, as has been the case for so many people who have heard him speak.. Watch or Preview Here